At Manor Drive Primary Academy, we are committed to fostering a love for and understanding of computing by equipping pupils with the knowledge, skills, and experience to confidently explore, utilise and embrace the use of technology in our ever-changing world.
Our aim is to enable pupils to:
Understand how technology connects us to our past, reflects our present, and empowers us to shape the future.
Understand how to stay safe online and the benefits of correct internet usage.
Produce imaginative work and implement the use technology to document their ideas, experiences and visions.
Know the technology can be utilise to further and enhance our learning
Develop a variety of skills and techniques used within technology including, programming, creating media, processing data and utilising systems and networks.
Our Computing curriculum is rooted in the belief that technology is more than just technical ability; it is a means of nurturing creative thinking and fostering personal growth.
Key features of our implementation include:
Holistic Approach: Computing is used not only as a subject to learn but also as a tool for broader learning, emphasising creativity, communication, and problem-solving.
Supportive Resources: Staff are supported by our chosen curriculum (Teach computing) which will be delivered through high-quality teaching by Manor Drive staff. The carefully sequenced lessons deepen understanding of key concepts and maximise pupil potential.
Curriculum Structure: Computing is taught throughout the entire year. Each of the 4 units focus on specific skills which are built upon the previous years learning. With yearly rotation for mixed classes, children will access all areas of the skills within the set units. The school also celebrates online safety week and has a focused week to explore the different meanings of e-safety.
Skill Application: Pupils have the opportunities to develop and refine their techniques and skills through the use of provided technology such as iPad’s and laptops.
Showcasing Work: Lessons and outcomes will be posted on our school sharing app (Class dojo) for parents to see and to celebrate learning. Online safety week pieces will also be showcased around the school to inspire and educate the school community.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): In Early Years, computing is integrated into the curriculum through Understanding The World, providing varied opportunities for pupils to explore technology and be educated about how they can stay safe online adapted to their access.
There are no national standards in Primary computing, so we advocate an ongoing assessment style based upon lots of conversation, to discover intention and understanding.
Our Computing curriculum at Manor Drive Primary Academy opens up the world of technology, offering pupils a rich variety of experiences and opportunities. Evidence of our impact includes pupils who:
Feel confident to utilise the internet and technology to aid their learning and development.
Build their capacity for imaginative and original thought through experimentation and exploration.
Develop resilience, perseverance and confidence in their own ability to code and program simple and more intricate algorithms.
Gain hands-on experience with diverse skills, techniques, and resources.
Achieve well in computing, which is reflected through a consistent learning journey and clear progress.
Clearly articulate how to remain safe online and use the internet to create a positive impact on the digital world.
Experienced themed days and visitors which help to embed their learning and offer lasting memories.