Part of The

Four Cs Academy Trust

Our Values

Work hard. Be kind. Be brave.

School Motto, Manor Drive Primary Academy.

We know that working hard and persevering are the most important factors for successful learning. Manor Drive classrooms are focused and productive so children are not distracted and feel confident to succeed. Part of working hard is knowing that we will all make mistakes along the way. We teach our children how to learn from their errors and take them in their stride.

Kindness and respect towards others is what makes our school community flourish and succeed. We expect adults and children to show these values when they interact with each other. We also show our children how to be kind to themselves and promote good mental health. We help children to be resilient, to talk about their feelings and to show emotional maturity.

Our children learn to be brave and to push themselves out of their comfort zones. When they leave Manor Drive Primary, we want them to be confident and articulate individuals who can step courageously into secondary school and the wider world.