
MAT policies adopted by all schools in the trust is indicated by the (MAT) suffix.  All other policies apply specifically to the school. 


  1. Admission Policy September 2024-25
  2. Allergy and anaphylaxis policy (MAT)
  3. Anti Fraud Policy (MAT)
  4. Anti Fraud Policy (MAT)
  5. Asbestos Management Policy (MAT)
  6. Attendance-Policy-2023-2024
  7. Behaviour Policy
  8. Charges and remissions Policy (MAT)
  9. Children In Care Policy (MAT)
  10. Code of Conduct of Trustees (MAT)
  11. Complaints Policy (MAT)
  12. Contractors Policy (MAT)
  13. EAL Policy (MAT)
  14. Energy Management
  15. Equality and Diversity Policy MAT Pupils_Students
  16. Equality Duty Statement Public Sector (MAT)
  17. Fire Management Policy (MAT)
  18. Fire/Evacuation Policy
  19. First Aid Policy (MAT)
  20. Four Cs MAT Public Sector Equality Duty report
  21. Freedom of Information Policy (MAT)
  22. GDPR Policy (MAT)
  23. Guidance for Safer Working Practice (Other)
  24. Health and Safety Policy and Procedures (MAT)
  25. ICT Display Screen Equipment Policy (MAT)
  26. ICT Staff Policy (MAT)
  27. ICT Student Policy (MAT)
  28. Intimate Care Policy (MAT)
  29. Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (statutory guidance)
  30. Manual Handling (MAT)
  31. Maternity and Paternity Leave Policy (MAT)
  32. Medical Conditions Policy (MAT)
  33. Menopause Policy (MAT)
  34. Pay Policy (MAT)
  35. Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (MAT)
  36. Privacy Notice - Learners (MAT)
  37. Privacy Notice - Staff (MAT)
  38. Recruitment and Selection Policy and Procedure (MAT)
  39. Recruitment of Ex Offenders Policy (MAT)
  40. Relationships and Sex Policy (MAT)
  41. Remote / Lone Worker Policy (MAT)
  42. Responding to Prejudice Related Incidents Policy
  43. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - MDPA (23-24)
  44. Security Policy (MAT)
  45. SEND Policy
  46. Single Central Record
  47. Staff Wellbeing Policy (MAT)
  48. Visiting Speakers Policy (MAT)
  49. Wellbeing policy (MAT)
  50. Whistleblowing Policy (MAT)